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  1. Library

New Postings


  1. 1.Mayhood 2014. Guerrilla ecology.

  2. 2.Gifford & Mayhood 2014. Natural marks on trout

Technical Reports

  1. 3.Erdle & Mayhood 2014. WSCT habitat damage

  2. 4.Mayhood 2014. WSCT recovery guidelines

Popular Articles

  1. 5.Mayhood 2015. Thinking about rivers


Mayhood, D. W. 2014. Guerrilla ecology: Toward an effective strategy for monitoring Alberta’s trout streams in a hostile climate. pp. 316-322. in R. F. Carline, and C. LoSapio, editors. Wild Trout IX: Sustaining wild trout in a changing world. Wild Trout Symposium, Bozeman, MT. 392 p. pdf

Gifford, C. M., and D. W. Mayhood. 2014. Natural marks for identifying individual fish in small populations of at-risk westslope cutthroat trout. pp. 275-281. in R. F. Carline, and C. LoSapio, editors. Wild Trout IX: Sustaining wild trout in a changing world. Wild Trout Symposium, Bozeman, MT. 392 p. pdf

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). 2009. Recovery potential assessment of pure native westslope cutthroat trout, Alberta population. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Science Advisory Report 2009/050. DWM contributed to this document. Available from:

Cleator, H., J. Earle, L. Fitch, S. Humphries, M. Koops, K. Martin, D. Mayhood, S. Petry, C. Pacas, J. Stelfox, and D. Wig. 2009. Information relevant to a recovery potential assessment of pure native westslope cutthroat trout, Alberta population. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2009/036. iii+26 p. Available from:

Mayhood, D. W. 2007. Fishes of the Yellowstone to Yukon region. Technical Report No. 3, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, Canmore, AB. vi+37 p. Download from Yellowsone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Mayhood, D.W., M. D. Sawyer and W. Haskins. 2004. Historical risk analysis of watershed disturbance in the southern east slopes region of Alberta, Canada, 1910-1996. Pages 23-29 in G.J. Scrimgeour, G. Eisler, B. McCulloch, U. Silins and M. Monita, editors. Proceedings of the Forest Land-Fish Conference – Ecosystem Stewardship through Collaboration. 26-28 April 2004, Edmonton, Alberta. x+212 p. (The copy of the paper in the printed version of the Proceedings is missing large parts of the Study Area and Methods sections. Please use this link to obtain a correct copy.) Mayhood et al 2004.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2001. Conceptual framework and an action plan for conserving westslope cutthroat trout in Canada. p. 265. in M. K. Brewin, A. J. Paul and M. Monita, editors. Bull Trout II Conference Proceedings: Ecology and Management of Northwest Salmonids. ix + 276 p. Abstract only published. Mayhood 2001.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2000. Provisional evaluation of the status of westslope cutthroat trout in Canada. pp. 579-585. in L. M. Darling, editor. Proceedings of the Biology and Management of Species and Habitats at Risk, Kamloops, BC, 15-19 February 1999. BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, BC, and University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC. 974 p. (This version includes an Appendix of 4 distribution maps presented at the conference, but not published in the Proceedings.)

Download (2.2Mb) Mayhood 2000maps.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 1998. Is the greater ecosystem concept relevant for conserving the integrity of aquatic ecosystems in the Canadian Rocky Mountains? pp. 772-780. in Munro, N. W. P., and J. H. Willison, editors. Linking protected areas with working landscapes conserving biodiversity. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association, Wolfville, NS. xvii+1018 p. pdf

Mayhood, D. W., M. D. Sawyer and W. Haskins. 1998. British Columbia’s level 1 interior watershed assessment procedure as a tool for monitoring potential impacts of development on aquatic ecosystems in Canada’s Rocky Mountains. pp. 677-686. in Munro, N. W. P. and J. H. M. Willison, editors. Linking protected areas with working landscapes conserving biodiversity. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association, Wolville, NS. xvii+1018 p. pdf

Sawyer, M. D. and D. W. Mayhood. 1998. Cumulative effects analysis of land-use in the Carbondale River catchment: implications for fish management. pp. 429-444 in M. K. Brewin and D. M. A. Monita, technical coordinators. Proceedings of the Forest-Fish Conference: land management practices affecting aquatic ecosystems, Calgary, AB, May 1-4, 1996. Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forest Centre Information Report NOR-X-356. Sawyer&Mayhood1998.pdf. Please also download Mayhood 2010.

Sawyer, M. D., and D. W. Mayhood. 1998. Cumulative effects of human activity in the Yellowstone to Yukon. pp. 61-63. .in L.Willcox, B. Robinson and A. Harvey, editors. A sense of place: issues, attitudes and resources in the Yellowstone to Yukon Ecoregion. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, 710 Ninth Street, Studio B, Canmore, AB T1W 2V7.  Sawyer & Mayhood 1998b.pdf

Mayhood, D. W., R. Ament, R. Walker, and W. Haskins. 1998. Selected fishes of Yellowstone to Yukon: distribution and status. Pages 77-91. in L.Willcox, B. Robinson and A. Harvey, editors. A sense of place: issues, attitudes and resources in the Yellowstone to Yukon Ecoregion. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, 710 Ninth Street, Studio B, Canmore, AB T1W 2V7. Mayhood et al 1998b.pdf


Mayhood, D. W. 1978. Production of crustacean plankton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish in six mountain lakes in Alberta. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Biology, The University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Canada T2N 1N4. xii+219 p. Mayhood 1978.pdf

Published Popular Articles

Mayhood, D. W. 2015. Thinking about rivers. Wild Lands Advocate 23(5):4-7. pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2014. Silvester Creek: Watershed condition, foothills roads and native trout. Preserving Our Lifeline [Newsletter of the Bow River Basin Council] 14(6):6-7 pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2014. Floods are not a water management problem. Wild Lands Advocate 22(3):11-12. pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2008. Exotic fishes in Alberta: paying the price. Wild Lands Advocate 16(4):9-11.Available from

Mayhood, D., and C. Olson. 2008. Westslope cutthroat trout assessed as “threatened.” Wild Lands Advocate 16(2):28. Available from

Mayhood, D. W. 2005. Ottawa's paperless map plot: bad for libraries, bad for people. CASLIS Special Issues [newsletter of the Canadian Association of Special Libraries and Information Services]16(4):2-3.  Mayhood 2005.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 1998. Following Silver City: westslope cutthroat trout in Canada. On the Wild Side: The Journal of American Wildlands 9(1):7-8. Mayhood 1998a.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 1997. Do protected areas work? Research Links 5(1):15. Mayhood 1997.pdf

Technical Reports

Mayhood, D. W. 2017. Comments on the Castle Management Plan revised draft: Effects on trout and their critical habitats. Report prepared for Alberta Environment and Parks on behalf of Timberwolf Wilderness Society. FWR TEchnical Note 2017/04-1. vi+43 p. Mayhood 2017.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2015. Upper Silvester Creek sediment source survey 5 August 2013. FWR Technical Note 2015/10-2, Calgary, AB. i+40 p. pdf

Erdle, H. and Mayhood, D. W. 2014. Anthropogenic effects on the habitat of a critical population of at-risk westslope cutthroat trout assessed using simple monitoring methods. FWR Freshwater Research Limited Technical Report 2014/06-1. v+17 p. pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2014. Conceptual framework and recovery guidelines for restoring westslope cutthroat trout populations in Alberta. Report prepared on behalf of Timberwolf Wilderness Society for Alberta Fish & Wildlife Division and Fisheries & Oceans Canada. FWR Freshwater Research Limited Technical Report 2014/03-1. xii+90 p. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1931.6809 pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2013. Suspended sediment in Silvester Creek and its potential effects on the westslope cutthroat trout population. Prepared for Timberwolf Wilderness Society, Calgary, AB. FWR Freshwater Research Limited Technical Report 2013/07-1, 50 p. pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2013. Suspended sediment in Silvester Creek and its potential effects on the westslope cutthroat trout population. Photo appendix. Prepared for Timberwolf Wilderness Society, Calgary, AB. FWR Freshwater Research Limited Technical Report 2013/07-1 Appendix, 12 p. pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2012. Reference parameters for headwater stream populations of westslope cutthroat trout in Alberta. FWR Freshwater Research Limited Technical Report 2012/12-1. Calgary, AB. iii+34 p. pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2012. Cutthroat trout length conversion regressions. FWR Freshwater Research Limited Technical Note 2012/06-1. Calgary, AB. ii+32 p. pdf

Mayhood, D. W., and E. B. Taylor. 2011. Contributions to a recovery plan for westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) in Alberta: distribution, population size and trends. Report prepared for Fish & Wildlife Division, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, by Freshwater Research Limited. FWR Technical Report No. 2011/06-1, Calgary, AB. vi+47 p.+Appendix. Mayhood & Taylor 2011 NoApp.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2010. Testing the H60 calculations in the 1998 Carbondale Basin Interior Watershed Assessment Procedure. Freshwater Research Limited Technical Note 2010/01-1. vi+12 p. Mayhood 2010.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2009. Contributions to a recovery plan for westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) in Alberta: threats and limiting factors. Report prepared for Alberta Fish and Wildlife, Cochrane, AB. FWR Freshwater Research Limited Technical Report No. 2009/05-1, Calgary, AB. ix+68 p. Mayhood 2009a.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2004. Watershed, fisheries and other concerns with respect to the Burmis magnetite mine proposal. Submission to Alberta Environment, Southern Region Office, Lethbridge, Alberta, by Freshwater Research Limited, Calgary, Alberta.7 p. Mayhood 2004.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 2001. Potential effects of a proposed feedlot on fish and their habitats in Onetree Creek and the Red Deer River, Alberta. Report prepared for the Newell Clean County Coalition, Brooks, AB, by Freshwater Research Limited. 18 p. including addendum. Mayhood 2001b.pdf

Sawyer, M. , D. Mayhood, P. Paquet, C. Wallis, R. Thomas and W. Haskins. 1997. Southern east slopes cumulative effects assessment. Report prepared by Hayduke and Associates Ltd., Calgary, AB, with funding from Morrison Petroleums Ltd., Calgary, AB. 231 p. + appendices. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5155.6564 pdf (20 Mb)

Mayhood, D. W. 1995. Some effects of natural gas operations on fishes & their habitats on Canada's Rocky Mountain East Slopes. Rocky Mountain Ecosystem Coalition Technical Report 95/1:1-35. Reprinted with minor changes 1998. Mayhood 1995b.pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 1995. The fishes of the Central Canadian Rockies Ecosystem. Freshwater Research Limited Report No. 950408 prepared for Parks Canada, Banff National Park, P.O. Box 900, Banff, AB T0L 0C0. 59 p. Mayhood 1995.pdf (1.9 Mb)

Mayhood, D. W. 1992. To keep every cog and wheel: regulatory and conceptual background for managing the fishes of Jasper National Park. Part 1 of a fish management plan for Jasper National Park. Prepared for Canadian Parks Service, Jasper National Park, Jasper, Alberta, by Freshwater Research Limited, Calgary, Alberta. 80 p. Mayhood 1992a.pdf (360 kb)

Mayhood, D. W. 1992. Approaches to managing freshwater fishes in North American parks and reserves. Part 2 of a fish management plan for Jasper National Park. Prepared for Canadian Parks Service, Jasper National Park, Jasper, Alberta, by Freshwater Research Limited, Calgary, Alberta. 118 p. Mayhood 1992b.pdf (836 kb)

Mayhood, D. W. 1992. A preliminary assessment of the native fish stocks of Jasper National Park. Part 3 of a fish management plan for Jasper National Park. Report prepared for the Canadian Parks Service, Jasper National Park, Jasper, Alberta, by Freshwater Research Limited, Calgary, Alberta. 296 p. + maps. doi:10.13140/2.1.4015.9044

Erratum 2010/10: Figure 5 in this report is actually Edna Lake, not Talbot Lake. Thanks to Ward Hughson for researching this matter and bringing the error to my attention.

Mayhood 1992c.pdf (1.7 Mb)

Mayhood 1992c Map1.pdf (540 kb)

Mayhood 1992c Map2.pdf (548 kb)

Mayhood 1992c Map3.pdf (548 kb)

Mayhood 1992c Map4.pdf (600 kb)

Older Documents

Mayhood, D. W., and R. S. Anderson. 1976. Limnological survey of the Lake Louise area, Banff National Park. Part 2: The lakes. Canadian Wildlife Service Report to Parks Canada, Calgary. 273 p. doi:10.13140/2.1.3848.4802 pdf

Mayhood, D. W. 1974. The limnology and fisheries of Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan. 80 p. in R. E. Scace (ed.) Prince Albert National Park: a literature review. Report prepared for Parks Canada, Calgary, by R. E. Scace and Associates, Calgary. pdf